Helping every business to navigate the importing - exporting process.

Customs Brokerage Service

Shipments Cleared Faster and Easier. Whether you are shipping in or out of the country, our experience and technology will get your shipments cleared.

Customs Bonds

Customs bonds are a type of insurance that guarantees the payment of any customs transactions. Whether or not the entity taking out the bond is able.

Reliable Customs Clearance

We optimize the customs procedures thanks to our network of customs agents. NCH International Trade Services handles all complexities and ensures an accurate rating of duties and taxes.

Customs Agents Specialized In Your Sector

Besides the clearance of your goods, we have an advisory service assisting you in complying with the industrial requirements necessary to import and market your products.

Customs Audits Assessment

Customs conducts audits of importers to confirm compliance. The Customs Audits frequently lead to the penalties assessed and compliance identification areas with inadequate internal controls.

Transport goods that require special treatment with NCH...

More of our Customs Service


Following the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States ("HTSUS"). NCH International Trade Services Classification determines the admissibility of the goods; duty rate applied, the applicability of import restrictions, and the availability of duty-free treatment or reduced duties under special tariff preference programs and Free Trade Agreements. HTSUS allows customers to take advantage of the lowest duty rate legally available.


The proper appraisal of imported merchandise is the primary enforcement focus area of United States Customs and Border Protection. Appraisal impacts the number of duties payable, tax planning, and eligibility for special tariff preference programs. At NCH, we help the importer to navigate the valuation rules to ensure that all the required components in the costs have been declared to Customs.

Self- Compliance

Our specialists develop and implement internal compliance programs with CBP laws and regulations, having benefits as better streamlining and documenting the company's import process.

Duty Drawback

NCH International Trade Services can help your company to set up a duty drawback program. Our drawback experts will partner with you through the application process for drawback privilege and claim filing, recordkeeping, and manage document workflows. We will develop and oversee your drawback implementation.

Let us help you set up a duty drawback program

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