FTZ Warehousing

As leaders on International Trade Services, we can conduct our expertise of the FTZ Warehousing Program.

Need Foreign Trade Zone Application Help?

Foreign Trade Zone program allows you to import almost any type of legal merchandise without paying expensive import duties.

As leaders on International Trade Services, we conduct our FTZ Program expertise for CBP forms, processes, representation, dealing implementations with other types of formal Customs entry procedures.

A foreign-trade zone is a designated site licensed by the Foreign-Trade Zones board located in secure areas near U.S. ports of entry. Special customs procedures allow domestic activity; involving foreign items by taking place before formal customs entry.

NCH International Trade Services, can also assist you in operating an FTZ at your facility.

The duty-free treatment accorded items that are re-exported, and duty payment is deferred on items sold in the U.S. market, thus offsetting customs advantages available to overseas producers who compete with producers located in the United States.

Benefits of FTZ Warehousing

  • Deferral, reduction, or elimination of duties.
  • Relief from inverted tariffs.
  • Duty exemption on re-exports. 
  • Duty elimination of waste, scrap, and yield loss.
  • Weekly entry savings.
  • Improved compliance, inventory tracking, and quality control. 
  • Indefinite storage.
  • Waived customs duties on zone-to-zone transfers.
The Foreign Trade Zone Program in NCH helps to reduce costs and maximize efficiency.

Whatever your logistics needs are, we will provide fully comprehensive services.

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